Viagra for women – coming soon

Viagra for women – coming soon

Soon, ladies can also benefit from Viagra. The new pill, called Lybrido, increases sexual desire and pleasure during intercourse in women. It uses a combination of testosterone and components from the traditional drug Viagra. The results of clinical studies at this stage are impressive, experts explain. They hope to have the drug on the market within three years. Experts will strictly monitor the companies that offer the new Viagra, with the aim of not turning women into nymphomaniacs. The larger pill is smaller than an aspirin tablet and has a mint coating. Its exact action is to increase the activity of the pleasure center in the brain, which leads to greater arousal during sex. According to a study covering 200 women, the new Viagra allows easier reaching of orgasm and more frequent desire for sex in women. Medication will not turn women into permanent sex freaks, but will simply raise libido to normal levels, experts explain.

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