Sex therapy – no worries

Sex therapy – no worries

Sex therapy is a relatively new approach in the field of psychotherapy – a broad term covering different approaches to treating various mental conditions through communication with a mental health professional. Through sexual therapy, problems from various aspects of sexual and emotional life can be analyzed and effectively resolved – sexual function, sexual emotions and feelings, intimacy, etc. The most common problems faced by the specialists are concerns on the part of the patient related to his sexual urges, compulsive sexual behavior, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, pain during sex, failure to reach orgasm, previous traumatic experiences of a sexual nature and others. Sex therapy is most often conducted by psychologists, social workers, doctors or specialized therapists, the latter undergoing special training. Usually, sex therapy is short-term and involves a limited number of sessions. The therapeutic plan depends on the problems to be solved. Sessions can be conducted individually or together with a partner and are an effective tool for people of all ages, genders and sexual orientations. Discussing one’s sexual problems with a stranger is often accompanied by significant discomfort and uncertainty on the part of patients. They should not be swayed by their uncertainty. On the contrary, it should be borne in mind that these are specialists who are trained in calming their patients and in instilling calmness and confidence. Moreover, effective therapy requires good communication and openness between patient and therapist. Those who have undergone therapy learn to express their concerns clearly and understand more clearly their own sexual needs as well as those of their partner. NEWS_MORE_BOX In the presence of a serious problem of a sexual nature, the GP can be asked for a referral to a qualified, experienced and respected specialist. Before the first visit, it is good for the patient to prepare a list of the most important information potentially concerning the condition – medical history, as well as all medications taken before and during the onset of the problem. Sexual issues often have complex genesis and manifestations, which is why the therapist will try to get as clear a view of the issue as possible, which often requires inviting the sexual partner to the sessions as well. A common approach by many professionals is to give the couple “homework”, which involves using techniques to improve communication, analyzing the sexual experience (so-called vigilance techniques), targeted changes in sex life and/or behavior etc. In the course of therapy, their experiences are used to further clarify and solve the pressing problem. Too often, sexual problems turn out to be a consequence of another, underlying problem – stress, anxiety, etc. Often, the underlying cause is a chronic illness, a side effect of medications taken,consequence of surgical intervention, etc. Depending on the nature of the problem, the treatment can vary from a few sessions with the therapist to a longer treatment involving a team of specialists – a psychologist, a doctor, etc. In some cases, one or another drug therapy may be indicated.

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