Just sex to get in shape? Not enough!

Just sex to get in shape? Not enough!

The popular claim that sex is quite enough to keep us in shape should not be taken as pure truth. According to experts, the average person can only burn up to 21 calories during intercourse. This is completely insufficient to maintain a good physique and shape. According to a study by biostatistician David Allison, the normal duration of intercourse is on the order of 6-10 minutes, resulting in the burning of a negligible amount of calories. The most effective way to burn calories is by walking at a fast pace, dancing, climbing stairs, playing basketball, swimming, jumping rope, experts explain. Dr. Allison’s report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. NEWS_MORE_BOX A healthy diet and physical activity cannot be replaced by regular sex, experts say, but that doesn’t mean sex doesn’t have its health benefits. Another study showed that women who had two orgasms a week had a 30% lower risk of heart disease than women who did not enjoy sex often. The endorphins released during intercourse also neutralize stress hormones in the body that are linked to heart disease. They also help to calm and reduce pain. According to experts, sex contributes to reducing joint pain, headaches or premenstrual symptoms. In men, sex can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Austrian scientists believe that frequent ejaculation in men, especially around the age of 20, helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life.

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