9 tips for quitting smoking

9 tips for quitting smoking

The relationship between smoking and sexual problems has been established. Men who smoke are about 2 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than non-smokers, studies show. Smoking causes damage to blood vessels and slows blood flow, which impairs erectile function. Smoking is a factor in the development of cancer, heart problems and emphysema. A bad habit can also cause vascular disease and disruption of blood circulation. This is of particular importance for men who are affected by erectile dysfunction – proper blood circulation to all parts of the body, including the genitals, is important for achieving and maintaining an erection. Stopping smoking improves health, lowering blood pressure, risk of heart attack. Circulation begins to improve within 2 to 12 weeks of quitting smoking. Quitting smoking improves erectile function. Non-smokers reach an erection five times faster than smokers, according to the results of a study conducted by specialists. If you are a smoker and want to say goodbye once and for all to the harmful habit, we offer some short, useful tips for a successful undertaking: Choose a date from which to stop smoking and prepare for the “event”. Get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, matches and lighters in your home, office and car. If you smoke more than 9 cigarettes a day, you can consult a doctor about remedies to help you quit smoking. If you have a sudden urge to light a cigarette, try to engage your attention in another activity to distract yourself. Try to avoid people or situations that make you want to smoke. NEWS_MORE_BOX Seek support from family, friends and colleagues. Tell everyone close to you that you are quitting smoking. Use your free time for relaxing activities to reduce stress. Regular physical activity is also beneficial. Spend more time in places where smoking is not allowed. Remind yourself of the benefits of quitting smoking, including improving sexual function. Withdrawal symptoms are possible when quitting smoking, but they usually last less than two weeks, experts say. Some people gain weight after quitting smoking. You can maintain your weight with regular exercise and limiting the amount of fat in your diet. There are also several types of aids that help to stop smoking – nicotine gums, patches, nasal spray, inhaler, tablets. Consult a doctor about the most suitable remedy for you.

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