Top 3 sex mistakes men make

Top 3 sex mistakes men make

1. Men know how to please a woman Men often think that the way they satisfy one woman can be effective for all other women. Why the lack of individual approach can be a wrong step? Every woman’s body reacts in different ways to sensations. What one woman likes may cause discomfort to another. A man should be observant and curious about what his partner likes, experts explain. There is no sex position that is a favorite of every woman. Differences in preferences can be due to several reasons. Different positions allow different angles of penetration, depending not only on the woman’s anatomy, but also on the size and shape of the penis. On the other hand, differences between partners in terms of height and body shape make some poses better than others. For some women, intimacy and face-to-face contact during intercourse is important, which consequently gives preference to certain positions. 2. A man is all a woman needs Many women are interested in using or have used sex toys. But a man can feel threatened by their use, especially if he believes that he has to be enough for his partner to satisfy her. However, men who reject sex toys are missing out on a great opportunity to increase their partner’s pleasure. A vibrator can provide targeted, consistent and intense stimulation that is impossible to provide by a human, experts explain. Many women need this type of stimulation to achieve orgasm. Incorporating toys into sex play is really a new paradigm these days, says sexologist Dr. Patti Britton. In addition, there are sex toys that can stimulate both partners at the same time. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Comparison and despair Many men have unrealistic beliefs about the frequency and quality of their sexual intercourse, based on comparing information with other couples. And this can disrupt the happiness in the relationship. Men compare themselves to their peers and are convinced that everyone around them is having more and better sex, and this is wrong, experts explain. How often men have sex depends on their age and marital status, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study showed differences depending on whether the men were single, married or had a long-term relationship other than marriage. Age also matters. For example, married men tend to have less sex every decade after age 30. But this does not mean that their sex life has deteriorated. The frequency of sex may have nothing to do with satisfaction with intimate contacts, experts emphasize.

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