Menstruation affects respiratory symptoms

Menstruation affects respiratory symptoms

The menstrual cycle affects the severity of respiratory symptoms, potentially worsening diseases such as asthma, research suggests. Respiratory symptoms affect the respiratory system and include cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing. Norwegian scientists are tracking the health status of nearly 4,000 women. The participants have regular periods and do not take hormonal contraceptives. 28.5% of volunteers are smokers, 8% are diagnosed with asthma. The researchers found that symptoms, including wheezing, worsened between days 10 and 22 of the cycle, with a slight decrease near the time of ovulation. The feeling of shortness of breath increases between the 7th and 21st days of the cycle, with a slight decrease again around ovulation. However, it is not just women diagnosed with asthma who experience these symptoms and changes, the research team explained. Cough symptoms worsen after ovulation in women with asthma, but also in smokers and those who are overweight. The menstrual cycle is associated with complex hormonal processes. The levels of various hormones rise and fall with its duration. Fluctuations in hormone levels may have direct effects on the airways and indirect effects on inflammation, according to the researchers. NEWS_MORE_BOX According to experts, women with asthma may need to adjust their medication regimen to their menstrual cycle. Tailoring asthma drug therapy to it could potentially improve treatment efficacy, explains Dr. Ferenc Maxalli of the University Hospital in Bergen, Norway. The study was published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

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