“Teasing” in bed invigorates women

“Teasing” in bed invigorates women

Sometimes the sex can be quite heated and naughty. Contrary to some beliefs, women don’t mind him being a little “dirty” for the sake of a good arousal. In a study, a research team from the Netherlands separated two groups of women. With the first, various sexual topics are discussed and pictures of sexy men are shown. During the conversation, the glasses into which their drinks are poured are visibly greasy and dirty. In contrast to the second group, the talks are absent. The results show that due to the topic of the conversation, women tend to accept service imperfections more easily. The second group of women are categorically disgusted by the dishes served to them. The conclusion of the scientists is that when a woman is aroused, she does not pay attention to things that would normally disgust her. Men often resort to harsher expressions and actions, which can sometimes repel a woman, but when the excitement is high, the partner can actively get involved and even take matters into her own hands. The balance needs to be found to fuel the libido in the most pleasurable way, without pushing partners away from each other, the researchers say. Conversations about what the partner likes are also important for the pleasant experience. The results and data from the study are published in the journal PLoS ONE.

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