We can find the perfect match by DNA!?

We can find the perfect match by DNA!?

According to scientists, we will soon be choosing our mate based on genetic compatibility. With the help of DNA tests, the ideal partner can be found, experts explain. It is expected that within 5-10 years this practice will be widely used among the younger generation. The desire for healthy and beautiful offspring is rooted in the basis of cohabitation with a given person. In this regard, the genetic information of the partner can have great advantages over the decision whether to stay with a certain person for the rest of one’s life. Understanding the genome can help a couple with a reproductive problem discuss different options early on, which would prevent possible relationship problems later in the relationship. The risk of genetically transmitted diseases can also be minimized with the help of eugenics, experts explain. At its core, eugenics is a combination of social philosophy and applied science that works to improve human heredity through various forms of intervention in the human population. Scientists are convinced that genome sequencing will soon be widely available, much like blood tests. Many people oppose the widespread use of eugenics for moral and ethical reasons.

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