Sex or marriage – which comes first?

Sex or marriage – which comes first?

A new study finds that special regions in the brain responsible for controlling sex drive are also linked to the likelihood that an attraction will turn into love. In this way, sex can appear as a good start to a beautiful love story. Brain regions in the insula and striatum play a role in both sexual desire and feelings of love for a person, experts explain. In the study, the researchers found that love and sexual desire activate the striatum through a continuous process that begins with sexual desire and ends with feelings of attachment and love. Each generated feeling affects different regions of the striatum. The feeling of love activates the dorsal striatum, which is connected to the centers responsible for attachment and addiction. Sexual desire activates the ventral striatum, which is characterized by the reward center. When a person enjoys the act of love, he has a desire to reward the perpetrator of this joy with his love. This fact suggests that in order to generate the feeling of love for a person, the ventral stratum must first be activated through sexual desire. On the other hand, the researchers found that the other brain region, insula, overlapped sexual desire and love desire, giving reason to believe that the two feelings cannot exist separately.

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