6 of the most common mistakes in contraception

6 of the most common mistakes in contraception

You have fallen into the arms of a desirable person, hormones and transmitters are raging in your head, and your body is stretched like a string in shivering caresses… Who cares about contraception and safe sex? We will not explain the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Its presence is clear enough for large and slightly smaller ones, but there is definitely something to comment on in terms of unwanted pregnancy. In the States, half of pregnancies are accidental. There is no such study in our country, but knowing well our mentality and the level of our health culture, and last but not least our financial possibilities and access to adequate health consultants on the subject, this percentage is probably much higher. It is unnecessary to develop at the moment and the topic of what prospects an unwanted pregnancy leads to – leaving aside the decision to have an abortion and its consequences on the psyche and the body aside, which, of course, are insignificant and highly traumatic – such as a high probability of divorce, lonely raising the child, difficult upbringing, failed personal future, etc. What are the most common mistakes in contraception? 1. Contraceptive methods are still difficult to talk about. Because our society seems not to have matured to accept the free discussion of sex and human reproduction. And man reproduces through sex. To be freely informed about the best methods of limiting this possibility, because it puts responsibility for one’s life and the child on a pedestal, is not shameful, just as it is not shameful to admit that you like having sex for the sake of sex. The first mistake is related to our behavior and society’s taboos. 2. Interruption of the act prevents pregnancy. Is it?! In fact, let’s try a little survey of our own in the comment section below the text, how many of the men who used this method were surprisingly told they were pregnant? Interruption of the act – the removal of the male genital organ immediately before the release of sperm from the vagina – is a risky way to prevent unwanted pregnancy for 3 reasons: first, the man may not anticipate the onset of ejaculation, second, it is possible to release sperm from the channel before the sensation of orgasm, thirdly, in the urethra of the penis it is possible to remain a small part of sperm that will enter the vagina during subsequent sexual intercourse. 3. Among the most common causes of unwanted pregnancy is the omission of contraceptive pills by women. Forgetting even just one tablet, and with three it is certain, carries a risk of pregnancy. If you doubt your memory and the number of pills for the month, it is better to ensure yourself with another means of protection – by using a condom. And remember, birth control pills are always taken at roughly the same time of day! NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. Oddly enough, but the cases of broken condom also rank in this series. And most often its integrity is violated by… nails.Security breach usually goes unnoticed. However, we must be on the lookout for any kind of tearing and cuts on it. They will certainly leak semen when they ejaculate. Keep your fingernails short regularly, experts advise, and keep condoms from getting hurt by teeth and jewellery. 5. One more point concerning the use of condoms. Did you know that there are lubricants that lower their quality, weaken their elasticity and they can crack in just 60 seconds? Well, you already know! Lubricants dangerous to the strength of condoms contain oils. This group also includes ointments such as petroleum jelly, baby oil, mineral oils and body lotions. When buying lubricant, read the label carefully. It must state whether the contents are suitable for use with a condom. Suitable lubricants are water-based and silicone-based. One more thing, lipsticks contain oils, keep that in mind on naughty nights out – and they can break a condom! 6. Let’s go back to contraceptives… You should know that taking some medications weakens the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives – tablets, patches and vaginal rings. This includes anticonvulsants, antifungal oral medications, herbal and nutritional supplements with St. John’s wort… In order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, when you carry out any therapy, it is good to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the interaction of drugs and hormonal contraceptives means.it is good to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the interaction of the drugs and the hormonal contraceptive.it is good to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the interaction of the drugs and the hormonal contraceptive.

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