Erotic movies calm the brain

Erotic movies calm the brain

Watching erotic films can have a calming effect on the brain, according to experts. Scientists are of the opinion that films with erotic scenes calm down the part of the brain responsible for processing visual stimuli, or the so-called visual cortex. Watching other movie genres or performing certain visual tasks sends extra blood flow to this brain region. Erotic films operate in a completely different way, due to the fact that their plot is precisely defined and categorical. In this way, the brain is more concentrated and does not strain itself further. In erotic films, he does not concentrate on details, such as whether the door is green or blue, which would make an impression in a crime film, for example. The increased blood flow in the brain is not in the area for visual stimuli, but in the area responsible for sexual arousal. The researchers explain that the brain can be in a state of anxiety or arousal, but never in both states at the same time. This phenomenon provides an explanation for why women with low levels of sexual desire often have high levels of anxiety. NEWS_MORE_BOX Erotic movies reduce anxiety and allow the brain to go into an excited state. This, in turn, increases sex drive and has a soothing and relaxing effect. The study could benefit the treatment of various sexual dysfunctions and disorders, the researchers hope. The results of the study were published in the journal Sexual Medicine.

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