A few celebrity sex secrets

A few celebrity sex secrets

Intrigues, scandals and various sexual inclinations and needs accompany the careers of celebrities. We offer you some interesting facts about some of the most prominent musicians, actors, singers, philosophers, writers and politicians. Personalities who lost their virginity late are Mao Zedong, Mark Twain, Herbert Wells. Their opposites are Cleopatra, Gandhi, Jean Harlow, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe and Evita Peron. Men who had sexual contact with girls under the age of 16 include John Barrymore, Casanova, Charlie Chaplin, Errol Flynn, Howard Hughes and Elvis. In addition to this, the king of rock is also known for his voyeurism. Casanova, Chaplin, Flynn and Martin Luther King are also considered voyeurs. With the greatest male dignity are Charlie Chaplin, Gary Cooper and Jimi Hendrix, and with the least – Napoleon, Chopin, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. Not a small group of famous people with oddities and fetishes, such as Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, Gandhi, Hitler, Howard Hughes, Martin Luther. Open marriages are extremely popular among stars. Amelia Earhart, William Faulkner, Errol Flynn, Carl Jung, Picasso, Ezra Pound, H.J. Wales. NEWS_MORE_BOX Of course, among famous people there are also people with different sexual inclinations, for example, Oscar Wilde preferred the company of representatives of the same sex, and Emily Dickinson emphasized female caresses. Bisexual tendencies have been exhibited by Napoleon, Casanova, James Dean, Freud, Janis Joplin and Van Gogh. Some famous people were sexually active even after reaching the age of 70 such as Charlie Chaplin, Benjamin Franklin, Picasso, H.W. Wells and Brigham Young. And yet it should not be forgotten that every artist has his quirks. Specialists believe that these quirks may be one of the reasons for their unparalleled talent. However, boundaries are never superfluous, especially when they affect others…

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