Sex can also cause … headaches

Sex can also cause … headaches

Headaches can also be triggered by sexual activity, before or after orgasm. Some specialists call it “orgasm headache”. Research shows that masturbation can also trigger headaches. According to research results, experiencing headache during orgasm is mostly found in people aged between 25-40 years. It is estimated that men are 3 times more affected by the problem than women. It is possible that the cause of the headache is due to the increased pressure during sexual intercourse – then the blood vessels expand, the pulse is accelerated and the blood rushes to the head. With strong sexual arousal, some people may feel spasms in the back of the head, and the reason may be due to excessive contraction of the muscles in the neck area. NEWS_MORE_BOX In most cases, a headache during or after sex is nothing to worry about, but it can also be a sign of a health problem. The following are also defined as possible causes of headache during sexual activity: stroke; the use of certain types of medication, for example, contraceptives; sinus infection; ischemic heart disease; pheochromocytoma; glaucoma. Those prone to migraines are also at greater risk. In case of frequently recurring symptoms of headache during sexual contact, consultation with a specialist doctor is recommended.

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