Lili Asenova: There is no cervical cancer prevention system (2 hours)

Lili Asenova: There is no cervical cancer prevention system (2 hours)

Lili Asenova is the president of the National Association for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer. She herself faced the disease at a tender age, only 24 years old. Thanks to her adequate reaction to undertake research and look for a competent doctor, after strictly following the recommendations of the specialists, she managed to defeat the disease. Since then, she has devoted herself to helping women fight cervical cancer and raising awareness of ways to prevent the disease. First part of the interview Do you think that the Bulgarian woman can count on sufficiently competent medical assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cervical cancer? Yes, I think so. I don’t accept swearing at doctors. It is true that there are many of them who do their work in bad faith, but we also have many doctors who are highly competent, responsible and devoted to the patient. As one is, so are the other. The health culture of the Bulgarian is such that he somehow does not look for the exact and right specialist. When he has a problem, he first takes the opinion of an acquaintance, relies on what he has read, takes into account the experience of a friend… However, this kind of information does not cure, does not prevent… In my meetings with young women already with risky uterine changes cervical, they share that they have been examined, but… It is not enough to just visit a doctor, but to find a reliable one who is competent in your matter, who acts adequately for your condition and you feel that he cares for the good you. From there it remains to follow his recommendations and treatment and preventive measures are not neglected. Where can these women find adequate medical care and not wander unnecessarily around offices? In the case of finding an unpleasant result from a pap smear or other examination and examination, the first question a woman should ask herself is where it is appropriate to conduct the subsequent medical consultation. It is mandatory in this case to visit an oncologist. Then, when the result of the PAP test is three or four, in case of doubt, in the presence of the papilloma virus, a series of routine tests should be carried out, it is necessary to determine the strains of the papilloma virus… NEWS_MORE_BOX Our health care system really still has not yet created clear rules to direct the patient to the right place to receive the medical care he needs. Everyone does it kind of haphazardly. We also owe the problem of wandering to our health culture. The responsibility for receiving adequate care lies not only with the state and doctors, but also with the family. Personal example in the family is extremely important. When a mother preventively visits a gynecologist twice a year and conducts the necessary examinations, specifically a pap smear, takes care of her health in a timely manner, she cannot help but pass this experience on to her daughter. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, dental health etc., the most important part of our health culture we get from our parents.If we don’t talk in the family, how will we create the relevant habits in a young generation? Or if these risks are not talked about in school? In our country, there are still a large number of women who have not visited the medical office for a preventive gynecological examination for years! It is not enough to just read on the Internet. It is necessary for every woman, already at the beginning of her sexual life, to choose her gynecologist as a specialist and a person she can trust. It is important to be able to communicate with your doctor and you are convinced that if there is a problem, he will be there for you.

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