The economic crisis affects the sex life

The economic crisis affects the sex life

The economic crisis can harm people’s financial and sexual lives, according to experts. The reason may be due to the greater amount of stress, anxiety, boredom and depression that can lead to tension between partners. When a person is stressed, worried about losing their job and whether they will pay their bills on time, they may not always be in the mood for intimacy, according to psychologist Gail Saltz. The problem is more common among women, where it is generally much more difficult to reach orgasm than men. When side factors that inhibit the psyche also intervene, reaching peak pleasure becomes almost unattainable, adds Slatz. Financial problems are associated with many restrictions that can harm the social life of both partners. The crisis is another prerequisite for a decrease in libido. However, limiting communication at home can cause the relationship to stall. A large percentage of scandals between partners at a time of economic crisis are related to financial income in the family. When disputes arise on this topic, the desire for intimacy, romance, and excitement can disappear for an indefinite period of time. Experts advise to avoid quarrels. A walk in the park doesn’t require a lot of money, but it can reduce stress and add variety to the day for both of you.

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