Sex – we can get addicted

Sex – we can get addicted

When we hear addiction and dependency our first association is alcohol or gambling. And what about sex? Psychologists compare sex addiction and the great need for sexual pleasure, in general, to drug addiction. Many people see sex addiction as something normal and something to be proud of. They often joke that if they can get addicted to anything, it’s definitely sex. But addiction to intercourse and everything related to it can be a big problem, both for a person’s mental and physical condition. As interesting as the term “sex addiction” sounds, the condition can damage one’s social and financial situation, lead to estrangement from family and friends, and damage one’s health. Of course, there are also skeptical opinions that there is no such thing as sexual addiction and that it is not a medical condition at all, but an excuse for cheating or lustful behavior. Sex is like food and air, a basic need for every person, but it is not the only condition for existence. NEWS_MORE_BOX With the advent of the Internet, sex has become even more accessible in one form or another: cyber sex, easy one-night stands, more accessible erotica and porn movies, and more. Many psychologists are of the opinion that 3% to 5% of people are sexaholics, and access to the Internet may increase the number. Sex addiction does not mean that you love sex too much or that you are simply sexually active. It is a state that is dictated by psychological trauma, and intercourse serves as a means of escaping reality. During orgasm, large amounts of the hormones dopamine and serotonin are released, which give the feeling of intoxication. Sex addicts who undergo therapy must be treated for 3 to 5 years. Often, therapy involves the artificial supply of both hormones. As with other types of addictions, this one has a chance of relapse, recovery. Sex has no boundaries in gender, social status, religion, nationality. It is a pleasure that once experienced is quite enough to make you repeat it again and again. But not every person who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic.

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