Erectile dysfunction affects 1/3 of men

Erectile dysfunction affects 1/3 of men

According to the latest data, over 40 million men worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction. It is most common in men between the ages of 40 and 70. Nearly 52% of men this age are affected by some type of erectile dysfunction. An alarming fact is that their number is constantly increasing, experts warn. The reasons are multifactorial. Erectile dysfunction is mainly due to problems related to illness, unhealthy lifestyle, drug use, stress, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, the problem is getting younger, says Prof. Dr. Chavdar Slavov, head of the Urology Clinic at Aleksandrovska UMBAL. Erectile dysfunction affects 27% of Bulgarian men aged 50-54, 20% of men aged 46-49, 10% of men aged 40-45, 14% of men aged 35-39 . and 18% of men aged 30-34. Only 10% of men with erectile problems in our country seek medical help, explains Prof. Dr. Chavdar Slavov. The remaining 90% remain undiagnosed. In Bulgaria, erection problems are still a taboo subject, compared to developed countries. There, the problems in the couple’s sex life are discussed more freely, as well as the options for dealing with them. In most couples, the failures of the male partner in sexual terms lead to a serious deterioration in the quality of life, problems in the relationship between the man and the woman. This therefore leads to the creation of insecurity and low self-esteem in the man, due to the fear of failure in another attempt. The main urological aspects of erectile dysfunction in men concern congenital diseases of the male genital organs, prostate diseases, benign prostatic hyperplasia – 30% of patients with this condition have erectile dysfunction, said the head of the Clinic of Urology at Aleksandrovsk Hospital. NEWS_MORE_BOX According to world and European guidelines, the first line of treatment for sexual problems are phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors – vardenafil, sildenafil and tadalafil. Among the so-called sexual potency pills on the Bulgarian market, there is now a new quickly dissolving tablet with mint flavor. When placed on the tongue, the tablet enables a quick erection. According to studies, 85-94% of patients prefer the medication in this form, as it is easy and discreet to take. Among the causes of erectile dysfunction are diabetes, testosterone deficiency and hormonal disorders associated with the presence of hypogonadism – testicular failure. Among the main manifestations of testicular insufficiency is sexual weakness – suppressed libido with subsequent erectile dysfunction, explains endocrinologist Prof. Dr. Filip Kumanov from SBALENG “Acad. Iv. Penchev”. Five million men worldwide have testicular insufficiency and only 5% of them are treated, the specialist explained.However, not every impossibility for a man to get or keep an erection during sexual contact should necessarily be perceived as a manifestation of a serious illness, according to Assoc. Dr. Rumen Bostandjiev, sexologist-psychotherapist. Part of erectile function involves the ability of a man to get an erection in a situation of erotic experiences, in the right setting and with the right woman. But nature has also provided for the possibility that the erection may be turned off or not turned on at all in an uncomfortable situation or at times when the conditions are inappropriate or even threatening for the individual. In this sense, the absence or loss of an erection is a normal, physiological process, says Prof. Dr. Rumen Bostandjiev. Regardless of the cause of erectile dysfunction, it is important to talk about the problem, and the best way to do this is to consult a specialist. To reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, experts recommend practicing regular physical activity, limiting the use of alcohol and cigarettes, reducing body weight, and normalizing blood pressure and glucose.

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