What do a man’s hygiene habits show?

What do a man’s hygiene habits show?

Good hygiene habits are not only an indicator of good culture and placement in society. They are often also an indicator of self-esteem. The fact that the observance of good personal hygiene significantly contributes to maintaining good health and quality of life cannot be ignored. What can hygiene habits show us? Let’s figure people out at a glance… In part one: what a man’s beard shows… Not all body odors are repulsive. Although our first reaction to such a thought may not be pleasant, we should not forget that pheromones are substances that are released by our body and that in a way send a message to other individuals about… the state of the immune system. When it is suppressed the emission of pheromones, no matter how enviable the level of male sex hormones, such as testosterone, the man has no effect on the woman, even if she is ovulating. Body odor conveys information about an individual’s genetic characteristics. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are responsible for coding the immune system’s actions against diseases. There are many variations of these genes. However, women smell the scents of those men who carry different genes than theirs. In the absence of such a genetic carrier, the woman does not consider the man attractive enough. How will you know this? Easy – if in the absence of the man, the woman “hugs” his t-shirt to sleep or directly puts it on so that she is not lonely… then he is definitely her type, genetically determined. Frequent showering is not an option. Most of us think, that it is necessary to shower daily, even twice if we do sports. Today we can’t imagine how just a few decades ago people used to bathe once a week or even once a month. In fact, scientists claim that if we shower more than 12 times a year, it is unnecessary to do it every day. The truth is that if we do not sweat, the body does not need a thorough washing. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the skin is a natural home of types of bacteria that also have their own beneficial effect on it and general health. When they are removed by means of aggressive detergents, for example, the organism loses again. Realistically, the human body does not need soap on a daily basis. On the contrary, its frequent use leads to skin dryness and inflammation. A valuable habit of a man It is known that hands should be washed after every visit to the toilet. However, a 2010 American study found that one in four men do not practice this healthy habit. A 2007 study showed that men wash their hands after going to the bathroom not every time, but only 66% of the time. However, maintaining good hand hygiene is a prerequisite for preventing illnesses, such as food poisoning, which develop from the transmission and contamination of bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli.Hand washing also limits the spread of infections with influenza viruses or Staphylococcus aureus. Besides being a matter of personal hygiene, the habit prevents the entry of pathogenic macroorganisms into the tissues when touching the eyes, mouth and nose. Washing that lasts at least 30 seconds is reliable. Soap or antibacterial hand gel is used. Hands are washed before eating, preparing food, taking medicine and contact with a baby or a person with fragile health. They should also be washed after eating, using the toilet or bathroom and after contact with a sick person or a person who has a runny nose or cough.

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