What do a man’s hygiene habits show? (Part I)

What do a man’s hygiene habits show? (Part I)

Good hygiene habits are not only an indicator of good culture and placement in society. They are often also an indicator of self-esteem. The fact that the observance of good personal hygiene significantly contributes to maintaining good health and quality of life cannot be ignored. What can hygiene habits show us? Let’s figure people out at a glance…Men’s facial hair – acts as a repellent for women 2 years ago, British scientists conducted an interesting experiment with a group of women. They are presented with a series of digital photographs of older men. The key element in them is how the beard is maintained. 5 typical facial features are presented: clean-shaven chin, slightly stubbled, full-grown beard, small groomed beard and long beard. According to what they see in these men, women define their qualities as masculinity, maturity, aggressiveness, authoritarianism. The ladies also answer the question of whether they would have a relationship with them and what kind of relationship, long-term or short-term. What is the ranking? Females unanimously show their preference for men with a slightly stubby beard. According to them, they are the most attractive and desirable for sex, both for a short and long-term relationship. On the lowest step, the women place the clean-shaven men. Surprising, right?! All of them were automatically excluded for the long-term commitment option. Men with beards are perceived as aggressive, dominant types, with distinct masculinity, but absolutely undesirable as partners for women. Another non-scientific Australian study also assessed a man’s attractiveness to women based on his beard and found that how a man maintains his facial hair is perceived by women as an indicator of masculinity. For them, the beard is an indicator of unbridledness, which can attract for short-term contact for the purpose of sex, but only so much. Ladies definitely prefer men with less groomed facial hair for a serious partnership… What does cleaning the interdental space have to do with the heart? In American movies, we often see footage of some of the characters flossing their teeth. Well, we have to do it daily at least once, our dental experts say. However, it is a fact that the Americans themselves, despite measures at the government level to shape a health culture of the population, forget to reach for the thread. But this habit can improve our appearance and provide us with a longer life in good health. Recent research and studies strongly suggest that maintaining good oral health equals good heart health. Gum disease is linked to heart disease risk. The presence of periodontal disease means a 2 times higher probability of heart disease. And one more thing, although dental plaque is quite different from arterial plaque, the presence of both indicates a higher level of pathogenic bacteria in the bloodstream,which in turn contributes to problems, both in the oral cavity and the arteries. In principle, the presence of one type of plaque means the presence of the other type as well, say experts. In the continuation: more curious

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