2 tips for a woman to experience peak pleasure during sex

2 tips for a woman to experience peak pleasure during sex

About 10% of women have never experienced an orgasm during intercourse or masturbation, says Loan Cole Uston, a licensed leading psychotherapist in the field of sexology and marriage counseling in the United States and author of the book “Sex Matters”. According to her, through appropriate therapy women can learn to reach the peak pleasure of sexual contact with their loved one. For this purpose, a woman must first develop skills to balance between intense and more relaxing actions during sex. It is a misconception that a woman can experience pleasure by simply relaxing. The confusion comes from the fact that women are actually given this advice during sex. Relaxation, however, refers to a completely different skill that is tied to the emotional state. In order to actually reach orgasm, it is necessary to activate the muscles and feel the tension in them after they are shortened. In medical language, the phenomenon is known as myotonia. Loan Cole Uston says that in her practice, some women manage to reach the peak pleasure by involving the muscles of their legs, abdomen and hips. During orgasm, women experience contractions of the muscles in the small pelvis, the same ones that help to retain urine. The rhythmic contraction of these muscles increases blood circulation and results in higher blood flow to the genitals. Blood flow, muscle contraction are closely related to arousal. In order to reach orgasm, a woman should really relax, putting all problems out of her mind. To focus his thinking on the sensations he receives. Naturally, haste, restlessness, nervousness, negative thoughts in general can only hinder the process of arousal. The first recommendation of the specialists is practical. At first glance, it looks simple, but not so easy to implement in practice. During intercourse, it is necessary to begin the implementation of precisely these two important details: when having sex, to achieve full dedication to the action, both body and spirit, and to begin, secondly, the use of the muscles of the vagina. It is also possible that the failure to orgasm is due to a medical problem. However, such cases are rare. The cause can be determined on examination. The intake of certain medications also adversely affects this ability of a woman. In these cases, a solution is sought from a highly qualified doctor. For everyone else, experts recommend exercises to improve blood flow in the pelvis and genitals and the use of lubricants to improve sensations during intercourse.

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