Chlamydia – causes one of the most common sexually transmitted infections

Chlamydia – causes one of the most common sexually transmitted infections

In the case of infection with the sexually transmitted bacteria chlamydia, it is extremely important to preserve reproductive health that early treatment is undertaken. Chlamydia can lead to blockage of fallopian tubes and a severe reduction of reproductive abilities in the man, which deprives the possibility of conception naturally or causes an ectopic pregnancy in the woman, which is a life-threatening condition. Untreated chlamydiosis leads to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease in women and prostatitis, epididymitis in men. However, the problem with this type of infection is that in a large percentage of cases it remains “hidden” in the early stage, when the treatment shows the highest and fastest effect. and of course, it is cheaper in every aspect. Usually, in the case of chlamydia infection, if any complaints are reported, they are weak, which is why the affected person does not pay attention to them and does not take measures in time – consultation with a doctor and adequate treatment. In this regard, carrying out regular preventive examinations can only be beneficial – the doctor can establish the presence of inflammation in the genital organs without any suspicion of such by the affected person. The second major problem is that chlamydia infection is very often mistaken for another disease – chlamydia is among the ten most frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed diseases. Therefore, leading specialists believe that chlamydia should be tested for certain diseases in which it is very likely that this bacterial infection is an accompanying or a cause of them. These are: gonorrhea, vaginal fungal infections, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, inflammation of the cervix, vaginal allergy, allergy to spermicides, vaginal allergy to toilet products and detergents, genital herpes, condylomas, pelvic inflammation, cervicitis, sexually transmitted disease, vaginal discomfort , urethritis, cystitis. Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, which regardless of sexual contact – vaginal, oral or anal sex – enter the tissues. The infection can also be transmitted when the child is born from the mother, resulting in eye problems, blindness and pneumonia in the newborn. A higher risk of infection is reported in sexually active people at a young age, because of the frequent change of partners. Specialists believe that chlamydia is more dangerous for girls and young women, not only because of the fact that it can harm reproductive functions, but also because the development of their genital organs is not yet considered fully completed, including local immunity , making them more susceptible to the disease. Symptoms of chlamydial infection vary, if they are noticed. They cannot be universally defined, what is manifested in one patient, another may not experience it. However, this is not the case with complications, chlamydia in all cases leads to pelvic inflammation in women.Symptoms in women include mild pain in the lower abdomen, burning and pain when urinating. It is possible to experience vaginal discomfort in general and pain during sex. Men, respectively, may notice discharge from the penis and pain in the testicles. Chlamydial infection is diagnosed with a chlamydia test, which can be blood, urine or secretions. The most informative at the early stage is the smear test. The blood test shows the presence of antibodies to chlamydia. It happens that the results of the tests are false positive or false negative, therefore, in case of doubt, it is recommended to repeat them. To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a specialist with taking an anamnesis and examining the genital organs in the woman or in the man. The state of the organs in the woman’s pelvis is established. It is mandatory to take a smear from the cervix for her and from the urethra for the man for examination. For women with complaints, an ultrasound examination is also recommended. Part of the therapeutic measures include prevention of the disease – leading a safe sex life, using condoms, and sticking to practicing sexual relations with one partner. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics. Hospitalization is required only in case of serious complications, abscess.

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