When men don’t want sex…

When men don’t want sex…

“Not tonight, dear. I have a headache.” How many times a man is deprived of the experience of sexual pleasures, due to the refusal of his gentle partner, can hardly be calculated. Because of the frequency of such situations, husbands are well aware of sexual rejection. In fact, despite the generally accepted opinion that sexual refusals “come out” most often from a woman’s mouth, recently the exact opposite has been happening. The decreased interest in intimacy with a partner is on the part of men, says Ian Kerner, an American expert on sexual health. Men’s decreased desire for sex can be due to a number of reasons. Check out a few possible ones: Biological There are many different possible reasons for a man’s medical reluctance or inability to have sex, from cardiovascular disease, antidepressant treatment, alcohol or drug use, to low testosterone levels. Whatever the indications, a visit to the doctor is recommended. Emotional Falling into depression, stress or other emotional disorders inevitably affects the desire for sex. Men’s mental state worsens when changing or losing a job, financial problems, etc. All of these can contribute to low libido. Relationship Problems Feelings such as anger, resentment, and general dissatisfaction with the relationship play an important role in a man’s sexual activity. Of course, he can always say he’s not in the mood or simply channel his sexual energy elsewhere, whether through masturbation, porn, going to strip clubs, or maintaining another romantic relationship. What happens outside the bedroom affects what happens in the bedroom, say sexologists. And when people are bored with their partner, they tend to withdraw from the bed. Porn The Internet has made porn much more accessible. And frequent masturbation, provoked by sex films, sometimes leads to fatigue and unwillingness for intimacy with a real partner. According to studies, men masturbate 50-500% more than they would normally without internet porn. So if a man used to masturbate once a day, he may now be doing it two or three times a day, predicts sex expert Ian Kerner. If a guy is 17 and single, it’s not a problem, but if he’s 40, it definitely becomes one. Relationships within the relationship itself also contribute to low sex drive. While there are similarities between the way men and women are sexually aroused, there are also some fundamental differences. New research shows that women’s sexual response depends on the quality of emotional intimacy and overall relationship satisfaction. This means that when a woman feels relaxed and secure in her relationship with her partner, she is more likely to experience a stronger sexual desire. But for men, this sense of satisfaction and comfort can work against sexual desire.especially if less attention is paid to excitement, visual stimulation, new sex positions – all of which play a strong role in stimulating dopamine – a key neurotransmitter for achieving sexual arousal. Sexual routine and libido discrepancies between partners occur in almost all couples in long-term relationships. While the man is to some extent used to the refusals of sex from the beloved and takes them more lightly, this does not apply to the ladies. When a man does not want sex, a woman is much more likely to take the refusal as an insult or become complex about her attractiveness. Statistics show that a woman reacts much more emotionally in such situations, which leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction and provokes the construction of a partition wall in the relationship with the partner to protect her from subsequent sexual rejection. Regardless of gender, when a couple has a problem with libido inconsistencies, the most inappropriate decision a partner can make is to give up sex. There are various opportunities to change intimate relationships in a positive direction – from foreplay to fantasy, improving communication and the overall quality of the relationship. Still – if you have a headache – just take a pain reliever. If you care about your significant other, don’t ignore his/her caresses and sexual desires.

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