“Hot waves” good for the heart

“Hot waves” good for the heart

Hot flashes, which are mostly experienced by menopausal women, do not pose any heart risks. On the contrary, they are an indicator of a low risk of cardiovascular events, say scientists based on data from a new study. “Hot flashes” are one of the characteristic signs of menopause in women. It is believed to be due to the reduction of the hormone estrogen and instability of the blood vessels of the skin. However, the exact cause of their occurrence is still a mystery, says Dr. Emily Schmuilowitz, the study’s leader and an endocrinologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Illinois, USA. About 50% to 80% of menopausal women experience hot flashes. Age, eating habits, physical activity, smoking and family history are much more serious risk factors for cardiovascular disease than “hot flashes,” explains the endocrinologist. Scientists looked at the medical records of 60,000 women followed in another study in for 10 years. The results showed that women who had hot flashes as early as menopause had a 17% lower risk of stroke, an 11% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and an 8% lower risk of early death. , compared to women who do not complain of them or get them at a later stage. The data of the study should be further analyzed, emphasizing the mechanism of the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and “hot flashes” during menopause, explains the research team.

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