The thin red line between testosterone and estrogen in… men

The thin red line between testosterone and estrogen in… men

First part of the material Estrogen in men The very synthesis of estrogen and the presence of this hormone in the body of men cannot be considered as a problem. However, the synthesis must be balanced. Any change from the norm, whether above or below, leads to undesirable health consequences. For example, in a clinical study, it was found that in heart failure, the condition of men with the highest, but also with the lowest estrogen values, is the most critical. Another study found that taking testosterone as a dietary supplement improved verbal abilities and spatial orientation. Taking the supplement, due to the action of the aromatase enzyme, also increases the level of estrogen. If the enzyme is blocked, estrogen will not rise accordingly. As a result, spatial orientation improves, but not speech abilities. This is a good argument that shows the benefit of the otherwise female hormone, and the gift of speech is a quality that is increasingly needed by men for their realization in modern prestigious professions. Naturally, the amount of estrogen should be strictly measured. How not to break the thin red line of estrogen synthesis in the male body? Obesity is the most risk factor for breaking the healthy limit of balance. In this condition, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. Adipose tissue cells emit estrogen. Physical exercises help not only to maintain a good figure and muscles, but also for a better hormonal balance. This also prevents the appearance of chronic diseases. Extra pounds far above the norm are the reason for the deterioration of the quality of the sperm – this is clearly indicated by studies in the last few decades. The facts show an alarming conclusion – from year to year men are less and less men. Why: Alcohol consumption increases the release of estrogen in the male body. Chemicals released from plastic products are also a factor that disrupts the balance between sex hormones. Among other things, the second gives reason to limit the use of plastic products by men. It is important that the representatives of the stronger sex, for example, do not warm up their food in the microwave oven in plastic packaging or containers. Water in plastic bottles should not be left in the sun, as in this case more substances are released in it than the material that is contraindicated for men. Basically, testosterone and estrogen levels are checked by simple blood tests. The imbalance can be successfully treated with medication prescribed by a specialist – an option, both for men with high estrogen synthesis and for those who are prescribed testosterone treatment – because, as already mentioned, the additional intake of testosterone leads to synthesis of estrogen by the enzyme aromatase. One of the means to normalize estrogen levels is the substance found in the skin of red grape varieties and red wine,Resveratrol – affects the aromatase enzyme. Broccoli and similar vegetables, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, also help to maintain hormonal balance. A healthy ratio between estrogen and testosterone is critical in a man – for his vitality, energy, endurance, muscle mass, bone density and prevention of chronic diseases. .The same factors that contribute to weight gain and lack of muscle mass also negatively affect testosterone levels, ie. they lower it, and the levels of estrogen – increase it, which in turn further predisposes to gaining weight and a vicious circle is created… The imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in men should be recognized and treated. By getting his hormones back in balance, a man will find how much better he feels and prevent many otherwise inevitable problems…

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