The sense of smell determines our sexual partner

The sense of smell determines our sexual partner

When it comes to sexual attraction, how important is a man’s scent? And not just the deodorant he uses, but his natural smell. Good in Bed experts believe that any lady who follows her nose is always on the right track. It turns out that scent may be the main way a woman literally sniffs out genetic compatibility with a potential partner. The smell we emit is the outward appearance of the genes that make up our immune system. Just like fingerprints, each of us has our own unique ‘scent print’. It is part of an area known as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The preference of the ladies is for the main tissue compatibility complex to be different from theirs. So when we say that opposites attract, it’s not actually due to differences in personalities, but differences in the immune system. This is one of nature’s ways to ensure a healthy generation. From this point of view, it is not surprising that the female sense of smell sharpens significantly when the representatives of the fairer sex are in the process of ovulation – with a high probability of pregnancy. In the study, many different men wore the same blouse for two days, then put the blouses in identical boxes. The ladies then have to smell them and determine who they think has the most sexually attractive owner based solely on scent. The results show that the ladies are most attracted to men with a different master tissue compatibility complex than theirs. And 56% of women say they would not date a man who smells like their father. In addition, it turns out that geographical location affects the sense of smell. Women from different cities were tested and their preferred aromas were different – New York – coffee, Chicago – vanilla, Atlanta – cherry, Dallas – smoke.

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