Cystitis – how to stop it at the first symptoms?

Cystitis – how to stop it at the first symptoms?

One of the most unpleasant problems in winter are complaints of cystitis – abdominal pain, frequent and painful urination. Against the background of low temperatures, difficult movement and thicker clothing, these complaints are a real test that also reflects on a woman’s self-esteem. To the question: “Have you ever had problems with the urinary tract?” every third woman answers: “Yes!” And statistics show that cystitis recurs in every second, despite antibiotic treatment. How to recognize cystitis? It starts with frequent urination and burning. We feel heaviness in the lumbar region and pain in the abdomen. We hope that it will pass without going to the doctor, but unfortunately the infection develops more often and the condition becomes unbearable – very often we urinate with terrible pain and excruciating burning, blood may also appear in the urine, even a fever – then we urgently need to see a doctor! We can stop cystitis at the first symptoms and not allow the infection to bring us down and endanger our health. Why does cystitis recur and often become chronic? The explanation lies in the causative agent of cystitis – Escherichia coli. Uropathogenic E. coli attaches itself to the walls of the urinary tract using filaments called pili that adhere the bacteria like glue. This enables Escherichia coli to form permanent colonies in the urinary tract that are difficult to destroy even with antibiotics. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is mandatory that the antibiotic be correctly selected at the discretion of a doctor and after an antibiogram has been done, as well as that the course of treatment be of sufficient duration. The wrong treatment fails to destroy the bacterial accumulations in the urinary tract, as a result of which the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis reappear a few days after stopping the antibiotic intake. American cranberry attacks the causative agent of cystitis, the bacterium Escherichia coli, in a natural, effective and safe way. Cranberries contain special substances, thanks to which the bacteria are expelled in the urine and the infection is controlled. By reducing the number of bacteria in the urinary tract, cystitis complaints are also alleviated – the burning and pain disappear, and the frequency of urination is regulated. Proven effective and without side effects in cystitis is Urinal Acute. Two tablets a day quickly relieve the symptoms of cystitis. You can read more information at:

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