Why is the care of intimate hygiene different for women?

Why is the care of intimate hygiene different for women?

The previous part of the material What are the differences between the sexes, which require more special care of intimate hygiene in women? We mentioned two. We present the third… The third, no less obvious difference, after the anatomical structure and the role of the woman to give life determined by nature, is the monthly cycle. A little known fact is that the vaginal microflora in a woman changes depending on the different phases of the menstrual cycle. The composition of the vaginal microflora includes conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. When the ratio between them is balanced, they together create an active immune defense against harmful microorganisms that have entered the genitals from the outside or from another organ of the body. According to some scientists, the growth of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is observed immediately before and during menstruation. The microflora is relatively calm and balanced 7 days after the end of menstrual bleeding. Fluctuations in the amount of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina partly depends on the amount of female sex hormones. We know that in women they are not constant values, but change according to the phase of the menstrual cycle. The level of lactobacilli depends on estrogens. Estradiol, one of the main female sex hormones, begins to be released after the 2-3rd day from the start of the menstrual cycle. Gradually, its values ​​increase. This positively affects the growth of lactobacilli, which accordingly positively affects the acidity of the vaginal environment. That is why a woman during menstruation, not only because of the bleeding, and the first clean days, needs special care in intimate hygiene. Whether the local immune protection of the vagina slightly decreases is rather a matter of individual differences in hormonal status. Some women may complain of dryness. A dry vagina is an indicator of a tendency to easy infection. In general, it should subside in a day or two, which could be considered a temporary imbalance within the norm. However, if the problem persists after 10-12. day of the menstrual cycle, with a duration of 28 days, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to clarify the causes of vaginal dryness. Prolonged dryness in the vagina can be associated with two main factors – low synthesis of estrogens by the woman’s body, which should be paid attention to, the condition should be monitored and, if necessary, therapeutic measures taken; or an infection is possible, which must be treated with appropriate means prescribed by a doctor after a microbiological examination. Lactobacilli or Döderlein’s lactic acid bacteria make up 95% of the vaginal microflora. The vaginal microflora can contain from one to 4 types of lactobacilli, and the combinations and the ratio between them are individual for each woman. Moreover, in each woman they change at different periods of life.According to other authors – the more common version – menstrual blood creates a nutrient environment and supports the growth of microorganisms, which determines the resistance of the microflora and, accordingly, local immune protection during the follicular phase of the cycle, when a new follicle grows in the ovary and a new egg matures. In 2-14. day of the menstrual cycle in the vagina, aerobic non-pathogenic bacteria, such as lactobacilli, predominate over the others. Immediately before menstruation, anaerobic microorganisms, pathogenic or disease-causing microorganisms, are 100 times more than aerobic bacteria. To be sure of taking care of the most intimate area of ​​the female body, regardless of treatment, it is better to maintain hygiene that maintains the natural acidity of the vagina and a protective environment against infections.

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