Papilloma – why are they dangerous? (1 part)

Papilloma – why are they dangerous? (1 part)

Condyloma are small formations, raised on the leg, on the skin. In most cases, they are imperceptible. Condylomas are located on the mucous membrane of the genitals and around the anus. Their formation is the result of infection with the human papilloma virus, which can happen at any age. It is carried out by touching the skin or mucous membrane with a carrier of the virus, which is generally found in the blood of the infected person, but the action is on the skin surface. It is wrong to consider canodiloma only a cosmetic problem. Often, the formations even disappear and then appear again, but it should be borne in mind that their manifestation is the result of infection with a virus that remains in the body and over time weakens its defenses. The human papilloma virus is mainly transmitted sexually. People are susceptible to infection, which explains the high number of people infected with papillomaviruses. It is also possible to become infected through household contact. Not always, when infected with the virus, signs of this appear immediately. It is possible, for example, for a person to be infected at birth, but for symptoms to appear years later. Infection with papilloma viruses in the long term seriously lowers immunity, especially when the body endures additional stress – smoking, alcohol abuse, colds, flu, stress, chronic diseases. The activity of papilloma viruses is also determined by climatic conditions – they are affected by a humid and warm climate, as well as by the use of oral contraceptives. Most often, warts are formed on the skin of the neck, body and its natural folds. They look like soft shapeless skin formations. Insular condylomas resemble small papillae on mucous membranes. They can be single or multiple, merging to form a cauliflower shape. They most often appear on the mucous membrane on the inside of the labia minora, the vagina, the cervix, around the opening of the urethra in women and around the head of the penis and on the inside of the skin on it in men (papilloma in men). It is possible that their appearance is associated with itching, irritation, bleeding. A large part of people do not pay attention to them, as they consider them an anatomical feature from childhood and are determined during a random examination on another occasion. Papillomatosis is also localized on the respiratory tract, nasopharynx, larynx. Treatment in these cases is extremely complex and requires high professional competence on the part of the specialist. Second part of the material

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