Oxytocin during labor – necessary or harmful

Oxytocin during labor – necessary or harmful

First part of the material Oxytocin is administered to induce or further stimulate labor. In the case that the amniotic fluid has already flowed, but the contractions are weak or too long apart, at the doctor’s discretion, an oxytocin system can be inserted 4 hours after the flow of the water. Oxytocin is administered to assist labor if labor has begun but there is no dilation of the cervix or it is occurring too slowly – less than a centimeter to a centimeter and a half in an hour. An oxytocin system is also placed if the contractions weaken or even disappear. Oxytocin is also used to prevent and treat uterine bleeding and to stimulate lactation. The hormone oxytocin directly affects the smooth muscles of the uterus, increasing the strength and duration of contractions. As the cervix dilates, the sensitivity to the hormone increases. A condition for applying synthetic oxytocin to stimulate labor is the “readiness” of the cervix – its musculature must be flexible enough. The action of oxytocin is effective at a dilation of 6 centimeters and more. The second important condition for applying the preparation is the independent (uncaused) rupture of the amniotic membrane. The dosage of the preparation must necessarily be in accordance with the general condition of the mother and depending on the fetal response. The use of synthetic oxytocin is contraindicated in all cases where a normal birth is impossible and there are indications for a cesarean section. The preparation should not be used in case of: progressive histosis, presence of Rhesus conflict between the mother and the fetus, presence of a woman’s allergy to synthetic oxytocin (which is extremely rare), partial detachment of the placenta and onset of premature birth, discrepancy in the size of the head of the fetus and the pelvis of the mother, chronic hypoxia, retardation of the intrauterine development of the fetus, fetoplacental insufficiency, uterine sepsis, cancer of the cervix, high blood pressure, kidney failure of the expectant mother. In cases where signs of hypoxia are detected in the fetus, oxytocin is administered with extreme caution and, if possible, another method is chosen to stimulate labor. Frequent and prolonged uterine muscle contractions induced by oxytocin may worsen hypoxia and impair placental blood circulation. If there are signs that the fetus suffers, the introduction of the synthetic hormone is immediately stopped. In a multiple pregnancy, oxytocin is also administered with caution, as the risk of hypoxia is much greater than in a singleton. In addition to the application of the synthetic hormone, there are other different ways to stimulate the onset of labor. Physical activity helps – walking, a certain type of gymnastics. Experts recommend that couples be careful during the last months of pregnancy,because after sex, the level of natural oxytocin secreted by the hypothalamus increases, which can trigger contractions and premature labor. Sex is also one of the natural ways to stimulate the onset of labor. According to supporters of alternative methods, stimulation of the onset of labor can be done through homeopathic preparations, aromatherapy and various herbs.

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