Combination makes strength

Combination makes strength

Every man perceives his sexual performance not only as a source of pleasure and a way to win and keep the chosen lady, but also as a basis for good self-esteem and high self-esteem. This is why bed bugs cause such dramatic worries and anxieties. Unfortunately, no one is immune from them. Even if we think of sex machines, it will probably happen that due to a wrong assessment of the situation, the attitude of our partner or our own emotional state, our erection will not be as good or stable as we would expect. It is enough to stare at the “failure” and anxiously monitor whether it will not be repeated, and here we are in the team of people with “erectile dysfunction”. The term “erectile dysfunction” was introduced years ago to replace the dreaded “impotence” and “impotence”. Thanks to the efforts of some doctors, however, erectile dysfunction has become another bogeyman designed to drive people to pharmacies. Indeed, modern medicine reveals more and more pathological changes in the body that can lead to difficult erection, but anyway, the majority of men with this complaint are completely healthy. One of the most convincing evidences in this direction is the presence of spontaneous nocturnal or morning erections, as well as a good erection during masturbation. Regardless of the cause of erectile dysfunction (something that can best be determined in a doctor’s office), the more interesting question is what a man can do if such a problem comes to his head. At the end of the twentieth century, the sensational sex pill “Viagra” appeared, followed by the German “Levitra” with maximum rapid and selective action. Preparations from this group radically changed the possibility of dealing with erectile dysfunction, because no other means before them was able to fix the erection with such power. For a while, the impression was created that these miracle pills were the one-size-fits-all solution to all problems in bed. The actual picture, as is usually the case, turned out to be more complicated. Although extremely powerful, the preparations of the “heavy artillery” are not always sufficient to ensure the complete success of the therapeutic offensive. A good result ultimately depends on a good diagnosis and the skillful combination of different therapeutic agents, tailored to the individual needs of each specific patient. Thus, in recent years, the well-known Tribestan appeared again on the therapeutic scene. What are its qualities that make it an invaluable assistant in the pursuit of confident sexual expression: 1. Tribestan contains an extract of the herb Tribulus Terestis, which has the property of increasing the levels of the hormone testosterone, responsible for both a good erection and sexual desire. Very often, after intercourse, men tend to dilute their sexual contacts. Reduced erotic stimulation naturally also leads to a decrease in testosterone,and from here to increasing the risk of the next “failure”. This situation is most dramatic in men who have not had contact for a long time. Like athletes who have stopped training, single men quickly fall out of shape, and this often leads to unpleasant surprises in bed. It is in these cases that Tribestan has an invaluable effect. It is the powerful fuel that allows the engine to be forced and the man to quickly recover his good form. The more advanced the years, the greater the need for such support. 2. Sex pills like Viagra and Levitra give a strong shoulder to get out of the sexual trap. In some people, however, they can easily create mental dependence. Feeling their firm support, a man begins to worry that without them he would not be able to have the same erection. In order to avoid this effect, it is very important, after achieving the desired result, to gradually reduce the sex pills and replace them with a means that stabilizes the achieved success. Right here is Tribestan’s next unique role. Combined with the most powerful means, it allows them to withdraw without problems at the moment of need, without losing what has been achieved. This opportunity is also relevant for people with limited financial opportunities who cannot afford the long-term use of the most modern sex pills. With the rich assortment of means that the modern man can use to deal with erectile dysfunction, the question today is no longer “which” but “how” they should be used. The advantages of combining powerful locally acting agents such as “Levitra” and “Viagra” with agents having both peripheral and central effects, such as Tribestan, are indisputable. However, it is important that medication is combined with the necessary changes in individual thinking and attitudes to break out of the vicious circle of anxious self-monitoring and the expectation of failure. In this connection, the partner is extremely important. Let’s not forget that an erection is primarily an emotional process, and therefore its appearance, quality and duration depend mostly on the erotic experience and the quality of sexual relations. Some specific causes of erectile dysfunction should not be neglected, which in elderly men with established hypertension or diabetes, necessarily require additional specialized therapy. Practice shows that the best results in erectile dysfunction are obtained if a person immediately seeks competent sexological help. Thus, the problem can be solved in the fastest way without unnecessary psychological complications. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary to rule out some physical diseases in which erectile dysfunction is one of the first manifestations. A sexological consultation makes sense even if there are concerns, even if no penetration has been achieved. Pre-insurance with certain medications could minimize the risk of possible failure.Professional help would also help to find better solutions for problems in interpersonal relationships, which are often at the root of erectile dysfunction. Assoc. Dr. Rumen Bostandjiev, MD, sexologist-psychotherapist

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