Bleeding after intercourse – what is it due to? (Part II)

Bleeding after intercourse – what is it due to? (Part II)

First part of the material Symptoms of uterine bleeding Bleeding after intercourse can be of different intensity. No pain is felt. Bleeding may coincide with the expected period. This bleeding can be distinguished from menstrual bleeding by the amount of blood released, it is more or its duration is after the usual period for a woman. In other cases, bleeding occurs regardless of the period of menstruation. In this case, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, it becomes irregular. Reproductive bleeding can be associated with infertility. Menopausal bleeding usually occurs after a period of no menstruation, regardless of how long it lasted. Uterine bleeding over the age of 40 is important to pay attention to in time no less than at any other time, because then there is an increased risk of malignant neoplasms. Regardless of age and cause, frequent bleeding predisposes to the development of anemia due to blood loss. The condition requires an examination by a competent gynecologist, tests, consultation with an endocrinologist and, if necessary, other specialists with subsequent appointment of the necessary therapy. Treatment Treatment of uterine bleeding is aimed at stopping it and taking precautions against its recurrence. Depending on the cause, therapy may include taking hormonal medications (estrogens, progesterone, a combination of them, androgens). In some cases, curettage of the uterine lining is required (more often in postmenopausal age). In girls and women of reproductive age, the causes usually require hormone therapy. In order to avoid uterine bleeding, it is necessary to regulate the menstrual cycle. In parallel, treatment of concomitant diseases, anti-inflammatory agents and agents that strengthen the general health condition are prescribed. In any case, bleeding is a symptom that requires consultation with a specialist, research, diagnosis with quality equipment and treatment without delay, because of the risk of the problem seriously affecting reproductive abilities or the risk of having a dangerous disease.

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