Bleeding after intercourse – what is it due to? (Part I)

Bleeding after intercourse – what is it due to? (Part I)

The causes of bleeding after intercourse are diverse. They are usually looked for in three main parameters – whether there is a pregnancy, whether the bleeding during intercourse occurs or regardless of it. Postcoital bleeding (during intercourse) In rare cases, the cause of postcoital bleeding is mechanical and is the result of trauma to the soft tissues in the vagina due to more active or violent sex. More often, however, bleeding is due to an infection or inflammatory process in the female genital organs, as a result of infection with chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases. Bleeding is mostly seen with inflammation of the cervix and cervix (cervicitis) or inflammation of the vagina (vaginosis). The presence of erosions and polyps in the vagina can also lead to the unpleasant complaint during intercourse. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding The appearance of uterine bleeding is due to a violation of the ovulation process (lack of ovulation), due to an imbalance in the synthesis of hormones from the ovaries. In the absence of ovulation, no corpus luteum is formed. Due to the progesterone deficiency, the lining of the uterus does not undergo the changes characteristic of the second phase of the menstrual cycle and does not thicken. The prolonged influence of estrogens or their higher concentration in this problem lead to pathological growth of the endometrium, polyposis or hyperplasia. With a decrease in the level of estrogens, which is naturally observed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the mucous membrane is shed for a longer period, which results in uterine bleeding outside the menstrual period. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is considered in three groups: in girls up to the age of 18 – then they are most often due to disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary system, in women of active sexual age – they are usually a consequence of an infection or inflammatory process, during premenopause and menopause (over 40-45 years of age) – uterine bleeding occurs due to the loss and disruption of hormonal processes associated with the menstrual cycle. Other causes of uterine bleeding: you start an abortion in early pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, the condition is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, endometritis – inflammation of the lining of the uterus, endometriosis, cancer of the cervix or uterus, tumor formations of the ovary, blood diseases, taking aspirin and other drugs with an anti-coagulant effect, contraceptives. Second part of the material

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