Fungi during pregnancy – how are they treated?

Fungi during pregnancy – how are they treated?

Pregnancy predisposes to the development of fungal infections. It is believed that the reason for this is the higher secretion of female sex hormones, which leads to changes in the microbiocenosis of the vagina, favoring the reproduction of fungi. Treatment of mycotic infections during pregnancy is prescribed only by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Even seemingly safe methods previously used or recommended by a medical professional may be unsuitable for pregnancy. Indications for the treatment of candida during pregnancy Pronounced discomfort of the expectant mother, which affects the quality of life, worries and can lead to stress, a condition that is extremely undesirable for pregnant women. Risk of complication of mycotic infection, which may be dangerous for pregnancy – possible intrauterine spread of infection, development of gestosis, occurrence of risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth. Risk of transmitting the infection to the baby at birth. Treatment In order to achieve effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of recurrences of mycotic infection, it is necessary for the pregnant woman to adhere to an appropriate specialized diet, level of personal hygiene and the therapy prescribed by the doctor. Specialized nutrition for mycotic infection It is recommended that the pregnant woman limit carbohydrate nutrition. For this, it is necessary to introduce a balance in the intake of products by increasing the proportion of protein food. It is desirable to exclude sugar and confectionery products. Spicy and marinated products are also not suitable. All these foods increase the acidity of the vagina, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi. It is recommended to consume sour-milk products that contain bifidobacteria, fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the mother and the fetus. In the presence of a mycotic infection – higher hygiene In the presence of a mycotic infection, it is necessary to wash the external genitals twice a day. Specialists recommend the use of daily sanitary napkins and their frequent change. With a mycotic infection, the expectant mother should not be exposed to prolonged physical exertion, even if it is one of the activities that are not contraindicated for pregnancy. Exposure to heat is inappropriate, as high temperatures stimulate sweating and skin irritation. As a rule, sexual intercourse should be avoided until healing. Drug treatment Candidiasis is successfully treated with oral and topical antifungal agents. Oral medications are considered more effective because their action begins in the intestines and gradually spreads to all organs and tissues of the body. For pregnant women, this method of treatment is inappropriate, because the drugs have a toxic effect, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus. Clotrimazole, flucanozole, nizoral, levorin are contraindicated in pregnancy.Nystatin does not affect the fetus and can be taken as prescribed by pregnant women, but its effectiveness is low and sometimes absent. In local treatment, tablets, globules or cream are inserted into the vagina. The therapy is less effective than oral tablets, but it is acceptable in pregnancy, especially since there are developed and tested pharmaceutical products, the use of which is considered safe. In more serious cases, a stronger medicine for local application can be prescribed, but at the end of pregnancy. The goal is to prevent infection of the baby at birth. Antimycotics have the property of “eating” the vitamins in the body. That is why, in the therapy against fungi, intake of a suitable vitamin complex should be introduced.

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