Hormonal changes – cause of vaginal atrophy

Hormonal changes – cause of vaginal atrophy

Hey there! So, let’s talk about something that affects a lot of women but isn’t always easy to discuss: vaginal dryness. Now, it’s not just something that happens during menopause, although that’s when it’s most common. Basically, it’s all about estrogen levels taking a dip, which can happen due to various reasons.

Estrogen does a lot for your lady bits. It keeps the vaginal tissue healthy, maintains the right pH balance, helps with muscle tone down there, and even influences vaginal secretions. So, when estrogen levels drop, things can get a bit dry and uncomfortable.

You might notice vaginal dryness during menopause, after having your ovaries removed, during certain medical treatments, or even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It can also be caused by medications like anti-inflammatories and antihistamines, or conditions like Sjögren’s syndrome.

Symptoms can range from mild itching and burning to more serious issues like pain during sex or even bleeding. Not fun, right? Plus, it can increase your risk of infections and make bathroom trips less pleasant with things like burning or frequent urination.

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are ways to tackle vaginal dryness. For mild to moderate cases, using lubricants or moisturizers can help a lot. And if you’re up for it, regular sexual activity can actually improve blood flow and keep things more comfortable down there.

If things are more serious or if you’re experiencing other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes or fatigue, your gynecologist might suggest estrogen therapy. This can come in different forms like creams, tablets, or patches, and can really make a difference.

Of course, estrogen therapy isn’t without its risks, so it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting any treatment. But with the right approach, you can definitely find relief from vaginal dryness and get back to feeling comfortable and confident.

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