By age 5, there will be a contraceptive injection for men

By age 5, there will be a contraceptive injection for men

Hey there! Exciting news from the UK’s University of Edinburgh – they’re onto something big with a new contraceptive for men! Yup, you heard it right. Forget about just relying on the ladies for birth control. Clinical trials are already underway, and the results are looking promising.

So, what’s the deal with this male contraceptive? Well, it’s a couple of injections every two months, containing testosterone and progesterone. These hormones work together to lower other hormone levels in guys and put a stop to sperm production. The best part? It’s as effective as the pill for women, with a success rate of 99%.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – side effects and safety concerns, right? Don’t worry, the experts behind this are on it. They’re currently testing it with 80 couples to make sure there are no nasty surprises. And guess what? They’re pretty confident it’s safe as houses. No permanent damage to reproductive functions, and everything goes back to normal once you stop the injections.

The cherry on top? This game-changer could hit the market in just five years. That means guys can finally step up and share the responsibility of family planning. Imagine that – a world where birth control isn’t just a woman’s burden. It’s a game-changer, folks.

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