Sex also improves skin condition

Sex also improves skin condition

If you’re looking to shed those extra pounds, get glowing skin, boost heart health, or lift your mood, here’s a simple yet delightful solution: sex! Yep, you heard it right. Mental health experts from Australia suggest that getting busy between the sheets can work wonders for both your mind and body. According to their latest findings on sexual health, having sex releases hormones that are key to improving overall well-being.

Let’s talk skin first. Ever notice how you feel all lovey-dovey after a good romp? That’s because sex triggers the release of endorphins and serotonin, which do wonders for your skin. Endorphins stimulate the growth of new skin cells and collagen, smoothing out wrinkles and acne scars. Plus, sex boosts the production of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights off nasty pimples and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. And don’t forget about sweating—it’s a natural way to cleanse your skin of bacteria, leaving you with a healthy glow.

Now, onto the workout aspect. Turns out, getting frisky can be as good for your body as hitting the gym. With our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, experts recommend getting at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise every day. Well, guess what? One hour of sex burns around 10-100 calories, according to a 2013 study. And if you go for longer sessions or try out some more challenging positions, you can ramp up those calorie-burning benefits even more.

So, next time you’re debating whether to hit the treadmill or the sheets, remember—all that sweating and heavy breathing during sex isn’t just fun, it’s also doing wonders for your skin and body. Who knew staying healthy could be so enjoyable?

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