1 in 4 women refuse to have sex in the light

1 in 4 women refuse to have sex in the light

Did you know that one in four women refuse to have sex in the light? It’s pretty surprising, right? According to a recent survey in the UK, more than a quarter of women feel so insecure about their bodies that they only have sex with the lights off.

It’s not just about not liking their bodies; it’s about feeling ashamed. Over 75% of women surveyed said they don’t like the way they look, and a whopping 66% feel ashamed of their appearance. That’s a lot of women struggling with their self-confidence.

This lack of confidence can really affect intimacy. The study found that 27% of women either have sex only in the dark or avoid it altogether because they lack self-confidence. And get this: 60% of them avoid looking at themselves in the mirror when they undress. It’s like they’re trying to hide from their own bodies.

It’s not just about how they see themselves, though. Many worry about how their partners see them too. About 38% of all participants felt that they wouldn’t be as attractive to their partner if they saw them without clothes.

But there’s hope. Despite these struggles, there are brave souls out there challenging the status quo. Six women and three men even posed naked for a special photo shoot!

The message behind this series is clear: it’s time to challenge the unrealistic standards of beauty that society puts on us. Real bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s important to embrace them. Because real beauty isn’t about perfection; it’s about being confident in our own skin.

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