The condom of the future mimics human skin

The condom of the future mimics human skin

When it comes to safe sex, condoms often get a bad rap. Sure, they’re cheap and do a great job at preventing HIV and other STDs with a whopping 99% efficiency rate. But let’s face it, they feel about as comfortable as squeezing into a pair of tight leather pants.

But fear not! Shenkshi Chen, a biochemist from Arizona State University, USA, is changing the game with what she calls the “condom of the future.” Imagine a condom that feels like a second skin – that’s what Chen’s invention promises.

Unlike the usual rubbery materials, Chen’s condom is made from a hydrophilic material that mimics the texture of human skin. It’s smoother, stronger, and more resistant than your average condom, making it a game-changer in the bedroom.

Chen is excited about her innovation, and rightfully so. She believes it’s time to bring this revolutionary product out of the lab and into the market where it can make a real difference.

By patenting her creation, Chen is laying the groundwork for a new company, but there’s still work to be done before these condoms hit the shelves. Securing funding, navigating FDA regulations, and passing safety tests are all on the agenda.

But for Chen, it’s worth the effort. She envisions a future where safe sex isn’t just about protection but also about enhancing pleasure. After all, who wouldn’t want a condom that makes sex safer and more enjoyable?

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