3 obstacles to good sex

3 obstacles to good sex

Hey there! So, let’s talk about keeping the flame alive in your love life. You know, sometimes things get a bit tricky in the bedroom, but that’s where a sex therapist can really help out. Here are some tips to help you out if you’re facing a few common issues:

1. **Libido Mismatch:** We all have our own rhythm when it comes to desire, right? Maybe your partner wants it every day, but you’re more of a once-a-week kind of person. That difference can throw things off. Regular intimacy tends to fuel the desire for more, while irregular activity can put a damper on things. If you’re finding yourselves out of sync, try mixing things up a bit. Changing up your routines can help balance out those libido levels.

2. **Pain during Sex:** This one’s tough. Lots of women experience discomfort during sex, and it’s not something to just brush off. It could be due to a lack of lubrication, but sometimes it’s more serious, like vaginismus, where the muscles down there tense up involuntarily. About 10% of women deal with this, and it can get worse with stress or anxiety. If extra lube isn’t doing the trick, it’s time to chat with a doc.

3. **Laughing during Sex:** Hey, it happens! Sometimes nerves get the best of us, and laughter sneaks in. But it can be awkward, right? Your partner might wonder what’s up. Best thing to do is to talk about it. Address those feelings head-on. Having an open convo can really help diffuse any tension and make things more comfortable.

Remember, it’s all about communication and understanding. Don’t be shy about talking through these things with your partner or seeking help if you need it. Your love life deserves some TLC too!

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