A large waist increases the risk of prostate cancer

A large waist increases the risk of prostate cancer

Hey there! Did you know that having a “beer belly” could put you at a higher risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer? Yup, researchers from the University of Oxford found that every extra centimeter around a guy’s waist increases the chances of getting the most serious form of prostate cancer. Scary, right?

So, these researchers dug into data from nearly 150,000 men across 8 European countries, including the UK. And get this, they found that 7022 of these men developed prostate cancer, with 934 of them unfortunately passing away from it.

Now, here’s the kicker: it’s not just about having a big belly; it’s about obesity too. Those who are obese have an even higher risk of developing the aggressive form of the disease compared to leaner guys. According to the Oxford researchers, every additional 10 cm to the waist increases the risk of dying from prostate cancer by a whopping 18%!

But why does this happen? Well, experts suggest that changes in hormone levels and the immune system due to excess weight could play a role in the development of the disease.

So, what does this mean for you? It’s another reason to keep an eye on your waistline and stay fit. Prostate cancer can sneak up on you, and while it may not always show symptoms, when it’s aggressive, it needs immediate attention. Take care of yourself, guys!

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