About tampons – the curious thing

About tampons – the curious thing

Hey there, did you know there’s more to tampons than just convenience? Let me share some fascinating facts that might surprise you!

First off, scented tampons might seem like a great idea, but they can actually be pretty risky for your lady parts. Yep, those fragrances can mess with your pH balance, upping the chances of a yeast infection. Instead, it’s better to stick to unscented options and focus on keeping things clean and dry down there.

And get this – tampons have an expiration date! It’s not something we often think about, but they’re not sterile, so if they’re not stored properly, bacteria and mold can start to grow. Tossing them in your bag for weeks on end exposes them to all sorts of stuff like perfume, dust, and bacteria, which can up your risk of infections.

Now, here’s a blast from the past: back in the 1930s, people actually believed that using a tampon could give you an orgasm! Crazy, right? They also thought it could break your hymen, which was seen as losing your virginity. Times have definitely changed!

Oh, and did you know that US women are more likely to use applicator tampons than European women? It’s true! It’s all about personal preference, but it’s interesting to see the differences across the pond.

So, there you have it – some eye-opening facts about our little helpers during that time of the month!

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