Porn can promote safe sex

Porn can promote safe sex

Hey there! Ever wondered about the link between watching adult films and safe sex practices? Well, researchers at Columbia University’s School of Public Health have some interesting findings.

According to them, guys who watch adult films featuring condom use are more likely to practice safe sex themselves. Yep, you heard it right. It seems like the adult film industry might actually have a protective role in promoting condom use among men.

In their study, the researchers looked at 265 gay men and their viewing habits. They found that those who watched films where condoms were used were more inclined to use them during anal sex. This suggests that certain types of adult films could actually encourage safer sex practices.

But here’s the catch: most of the participants admitted to watching films where no condoms were used. And nearly half of them said it sometimes led to riskier sexual behavior.

It’s like watching these films could influence what happens next. About 70% of the guys ended up doing something similar to what they saw, and over half went looking for some action afterward.

The researchers concluded that adult films could have an impact on men’s condom use habits, potentially encouraging safer sex. Their findings were published in the Plos One magazine.

So, next time you’re scrolling through your favorite adult site, remember, what you watch could influence how you play it safe in the bedroom.

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