Questions about sex that teenagers need to know

Questions about sex that teenagers need to know

Hey there, it’s super important for teens to know about sex stuff. When you’re clued in, you’re less likely to have a messy sex life. Let’s dive into some key questions every teen should know the answers to.

First off, what’s virginity? Well, it’s when someone hasn’t had sexual contact before. But here’s the kicker: different people see it differently. For some, it’s only after vaginal sex, while others think it can be lost through oral, anal, or even just a kiss. And remember, just because your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you should too. Don’t let peer pressure be your guide. Wait for the right moment with the right person.

Next up, contraceptives. These are like your pregnancy preventers. You’ve got condoms, pills, diaphragms, vaginal rings, and more. But here’s the deal: even the pull-out method isn’t foolproof. It’s better to play it safe and use proper protection.

So, how do you get pregnant? Well, if you’re having unprotected sex and a sperm meets an egg, boom, you’ve got a bun in the oven. It’s usually when two adults are trying to make a baby, but accidents happen too. That’s why it’s crucial to use protection if you’re not ready for parenthood. And just so you know, anal or oral sex won’t lead to pregnancy, so you’re safe there.

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