How, without suspecting, we suppress the libido?

How, without suspecting, we suppress the libido?

Hey there! Ever wondered why sometimes things aren’t as spicy in the bedroom as they used to be? Well, turns out, it might not just be about the mood or the moment. Let’s dive into some surprising factors that can affect your mojo.

First up, your sense of smell. Yup, that’s right. Researchers found that folks who can’t smell well tend to have fewer sexual partners. It’s because smell plays a big role in recognizing pheromones, those sneaky little chemicals that can turn us on. So, if your nose isn’t pulling its weight, it could be impacting your love life.

Next, let’s talk diets. Trying to shed some pounds? That’s cool, but losing weight too fast can mess with your hormones, like prolactin, which can put a damper on your desire. Plus, it can throw off your estrogen and testosterone levels, which can mess with your menstrual cycle and libido. Who knew, right?

Now, here’s a surprising one: high heels. Sure, they make you look hot, but they might not be doing your bedroom antics any favors. Wearing heels shifts your body forward, making your pelvic floor muscles work overtime. And if those muscles are constantly tense, they can limit nerve impulses to your lady parts, making orgasms harder to come by.

So, next time you’re wondering why things aren’t heating up, consider these not-so-obvious factors. It might just help you get your groove back in the bedroom.

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