Little known facts about oral sex

Little known facts about oral sex

Hey there! Let’s talk about something that’s pretty common but still hides some surprising facts—oral sex. You might think you know all about it, but there’s always more to learn!

Ever heard about morning sickness relief? Yeah, that pesky nausea during pregnancy? Turns out, a teaspoon of ginger or mint can help, but here’s something wild: a study from 2012 found that pregnant women who swallowed their partner’s sperm experienced relief from morning sickness. At first, the body might try to reject it by making you vomit, but eventually, it builds up a tolerance, easing those symptoms.

Now, onto a mood-booster—literally. Did you know semen contains stuff that can lift your spirits? Yep, it can increase feelings of closeness and even help stave off depression. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that semen might have antidepressant properties. So, if you’re feeling down, a little intimacy might just do the trick!

But hey, let’s not forget the risks. Oral sex isn’t all fun and games—STIs can still be transmitted. Sure, we often hear about STDs spreading through vaginal or anal sex, but oral sex isn’t off the hook. HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and hepatitis B can all hitch a ride through oral action. Even though the chances of getting HIV are lower this way, it’s still a risk. So, better to be safe than sorry—use protection every time.

See? Oral sex isn’t just about pleasure—it’s a whole world of surprises and precautions!

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