2 interesting facts about oral sex

2 interesting facts about oral sex

Hey there! Let’s dive into a topic that’s often whispered about but rarely discussed openly: oral sex. It’s become pretty mainstream nowadays, popping up in magazines, movies, and TV shows as a normal part of a healthy intimate relationship. But before you dive in headfirst, there are a few things you should know that might surprise you.

First off, it turns out that men give just as much oral sex as they receive, especially as they get older. Yeah, you heard that right! According to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, around 55% of men aged 20-24 admitted to performing oral sex on their partner in the past year. For women, it was even higher at 75%. And as people hit their 30s and 40s, those numbers go up even more. So, if you thought it was just a one-way street, think again!

Now, here’s a real shocker: practicing oral sex can actually help protect against preeclampsia in pregnant women. Yeah, you read that correctly! A study back in 2000 found a link between a lower risk of preeclampsia and more frequent fellatio. How does that work? Well, it seems that when a woman has regular exposure to her partner’s sperm through oral sex, her body develops some kind of immunity to it. This reduces the risk of preeclampsia, a serious condition during pregnancy that involves high blood pressure and other complications.

So, there you have it! Oral sex isn’t just about pleasure—it might actually have some surprising health benefits too. Who knew, right?

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