Curious facts about sex

Curious facts about sex (video)

Hey there! Ever wonder why the inventor of cornflakes thought munching on them might curb those, uh, “urges”? Turns out, there’s some fascinating data out there. According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the happiness you get from sex is like scoring a cool $100,000! And get this, strippers rake in more cash when they’re ovulating. Why? It’s all about those pheromones pumping up the desire.

Here’s a wild stat: almost half of couples don’t think they can both reach maximum pleasure together. But did you know that over half of women can reach orgasm just by doing sit-ups? It’s true! And ever heard of agalmatophilia? That’s the fancy term for getting hot and bothered by mannequins or statues. People have been into that since way back in 1877!

Oh, and here’s a quirky fact: men’s leading hand often matches up with their shorter testicle. Weird, right? And who knew warm feet could up your chances of reaching the big O? Plus, here’s some good news: semen might just be your secret weapon against wrinkles!

And hey, did you know that one romp in the hay can torch up to 144 calories? Talk about a workout! So next time you’re enjoying some cornflakes or hitting the gym, remember these fun facts. Who knew sex and science could be so fascinating?

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