4 side effects of not having sex

4 side effects of not having sex

Hey there! Ever wondered why your sex life might be a bit irregular? It happens to the best of us—work, travel, stress, you name it. But did you know that it can affect you in more ways than you might think?

First off, let’s talk about anxiety. When we don’t get enough action between the sheets, our stress levels can shoot through the roof. You see, during sex, our brains release feel-good chemicals like endorphins and oxytocin, which help us chill out. So, if you’re not getting busy, you might find yourself struggling more with things like public speaking or handling everyday stressors. But don’t worry, you can try to make up for it with some yoga sessions.

Then there’s the immune system. Turns out, regular romps can actually help keep those pesky colds and flus at bay. Research shows that people who have sex once or twice a week have a 30% boost in antibodies compared to those who don’t get down as often. So, if you want to stay healthy, maybe it’s time to schedule in some more bedroom time.

And here’s a fun fact: sex can also help prevent urinary tract infections. Yep, you heard that right. Around 80% of UTIs happen within 24 hours of getting it on. Why? Because bacteria from down there can make its way up to the urethra during sex, leading to infection. So, next time you’re feeling a little frisky, remember it’s not just fun—it’s also good for your health.

Now, let’s talk about feelings. When you’re not getting enough action, it can really mess with your self-esteem and even your bond with your partner. See, sex releases hormones like oxytocin that make us feel connected and confident. But don’t worry if things aren’t as steamy as they used to be. There are plenty of other ways to keep that spark alive—like cuddling, kissing, or just spending quality time together.

So, there you have it. Whether it’s stress, travel, or just life getting in the way, a lack of sex can have some surprising effects on your health and happiness. But hey, now you know, and knowledge is power, right?

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