Yes, sex burns calories. But how much?

Yes, sex burns calories. But how much?

Ever wondered what really goes on during sex? And how can we tell if our partner is truly the one for us? Let’s dive into these questions about sex and love and uncover some surprising answers.

So, are we doomed to know if our relationship is a sinking ship? According to a study from 2013, deep down, we might already have the answer. Researchers asked newlyweds to look at pictures of their partners with either positive or negative words on them. What they found was intriguing. Those who were quick to spot negative words were more likely to report lower satisfaction with their relationships later on. It seems that subconsciously, they harbored negative thoughts about their partners all along.

Now, what about that redness that sometimes crops up during sex? Don’t panic! It’s just your body’s natural reaction to increased blood flow. Whether it’s on your cheeks, breasts, genitals, or all over, it’s nothing to worry about. People often freak out, thinking it might be an allergic reaction, but it’s just your body getting into the groove of sexual arousal.

And did you know that sex can actually help you shed some calories? Yup, you heard it right. In about an hour of sexual activity, you can burn as many calories as you would in 30 minutes of jogging. A 2013 study from the University of Quebec, France, tracked the calorie burn of 21 couples during both activities. Turns out, men burn about 4.2 calories per minute during sex, while women burn around 3.1 calories. So, next time you’re hitting the sheets, remember, you’re not just getting intimate, you’re also getting a workout!

With these insights, it’s clear that what happens in the bedroom isn’t just about pleasure—it’s also about understanding ourselves and our partners on a deeper level.

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