How are diseases of the mammary gland detected?

How are diseases of the mammary gland detected?

Alright, let’s talk about keeping an eye on your breasts. Self-examination is key, ladies! Make it a monthly habit, starting when you’re young. This routine check is super important for catching any signs of breast cancer early.

So, how do you do it? Well, you can do it standing up or lying down. When you’re standing, try different arm positions: relaxed by your side, up in the air, or on your hips. First, give your boobs a good look for any redness, swelling, or skin changes. Lift your arms up – they should look symmetrical. If they’re not, that could be a sign of trouble.

Next up, give ’em a feel. Yup, gentle palpation is the way to go. It’s best to do this in the shower when your skin’s wet and extra sensitive. Check your armpits and above your collarbone for any lumps too. Give your nipples a gentle squeeze to check for any discharge.

Wrap up your self-exam by lying down with one hand behind your head and feeling your boob in a circular motion. Look out for any pain, discharge, lumps, or skin changes – especially around the nipple area.

Now, onto mammograms. These are super important for spotting any nasty stuff going on in your breasts, especially for women between 40 and 50. After that, it’s an annual thing. Mammograms can pick up on calcifications, which can indicate benign or malignant processes.

There are a couple more types of mammograms too. Pneumocystography is used for cysts, while ductography involves injecting contrast through the nipple to get a better look at the ducts.

Thermography is all about detecting heat emitted by your breasts. Since cancerous tumors tend to be warmer due to increased blood flow, this method can sometimes pick up on early signs. However, it’s not the most reliable, as it can give false positives.

Lastly, ultrasound. This is especially useful for younger women. It can pinpoint exactly where any problems are, how big they are, and even check out your lymph nodes. Doppler echography can even tell us how well blood is flowing to any lumps we find.

So, there you have it – a rundown of the different methods for keeping your breasts healthy and catching any issues early on. Remember, it’s all about knowing your body and staying proactive!

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